Financial Aid Self-Service

College is a major financial commitment and our goal is to make financial aid as easy to understand as possible for students. Financial Aid Self-Service allows you to quickly review your offer letters, adjust loan amounts by semester, and monitor your next steps with a regularly updated checklist.

Getting Started

Step 1: Log into your Walsh Portal

Step 2: Find the Financial Aid tile and select “Access Your Financial Aid”

Step 3: Select the correct academic year from the drop-down menu

Step 4: Review your Financial Aid Offer one of two ways:

    • Locate the “Your Award Letter is now ready!” announcement at the top of the page and click on the Review your Financial Aid Award Letter link
    • Scroll to the Checklist section and click on the Review and accept your Financial Aid Award Package link

Step 5: Click on Review and accept your Financial Aid Award Package

Step 6: Update the loan amount listed on the right or uncheck the box on the left to remove an amount from a specific semester

Step 7: Select Accept on the bottom right after you have made the correct adjustments. If you wish to reject the loan, select Reject.

Step 8: All done! You’ve reviewed your Financial Aid Offer!