Guest at Walsh and Stay On Track – Or Get Ahead!

Are you coming home for the summer and want to make sure you keep on track? It’s easy to do this at Walsh as a guest student with our convenient 11-week semesters. In fact, you can even get ahead by enrolling in a short term at your home school and fitting in a Walsh summer semester course.

Quick Enrollment

Walsh makes becoming a guest student easy. There are no admissions requirements when you fill out the mandatory Guest Student Application Form. Your home school can send the completed Guest Student Application to to get you started at Walsh.

At Walsh, you get the personal attention you need to make admissions, registration, and academic success a reality.


As a guest student at Walsh, your tuition rate is the same as our students. You get the high quality, practical business education without additional fees based on guest student status. Click here for tuition rates.

Ready to Learn More?

Get more information about how easy it is to be a guest student at Walsh.

Questions About Getting Started?

Contact us at or 248-823-1600.